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Bridge beams and cill units for the Ordsall Chord works Northern Hub

Shay Murtagh Precast recently manufactured and delivered precast under ringing arches, bridge beams and cill units for the Ordsall Chord works being undertaken by the Skanska BAM JV on behalf of Network Rail. The project involves widening and refurbishment of existing Victorian viaducts. Grade 1 listed structures along with the new structural steel and FRC bridges. Realignment of track designed to connect Manchester’s Victoria, Oxford Road and Piccadilly Stations. Although work has been taking place since October 2015. The project achieved a significant milestone over the Christmas period. The completion of stage A4 commissioning during a 16-day rail blockade. Shay Murtagh precast products were manufactured to all client requirements whilst meeting ambitious programme targets for the critical Christmas works.

Shay Murtagh manufactured

  • 6 arches, 14M long x 1.4M wide x 2.5M high, weighing 32T each
  • 4 bridge beams for viaduct widening
  • 2 cill beams for bridge refurbishment

For the under ringing arches, a trial erection took place at the Shay Murtagh factory on the 18th of October. The arches were then delivered to site in pairs on the 13th, 14th and 15th of November. Then slotted into place by the Skanska BAM JV installation team as part of the Castlefield viaduct widening in readiness for the Christmas works. The bridge beams on structure 119A and cill units for 125A were installed during the round the clock blockade after demolition of existing cast bridges by others.

Two further commissioning stages are planned for Easter 17 and September 17 to complete the main works. The Ordsall Chord is due to be completed by December 2017. When opened, should ease congestion, increase capacity and improve connectivity for passengers travelling through the Manchester area. It will also create more jobs and provide a boost to the local economy. The work over Christmas was delivered on time and to schedule. We would like to congratulate the Skanska BAM team on another successful completion and look forward to our next collaboration.

Photos: Matthew Nichol Photography (http://www.matthewnichol.com/)

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